New York

Roleplay (Started 8/29/23, ended 11/7/23) Three parts.

Blue text written by Mel, the owner of Jo.

Takes place around January of 1966 when the Bloodhounds take a trip to New York for their latest tour- their first time playing on the east coast.

Back to Part One

Back to Emile

Part Two: Hotel

Tonight was Emile's first night away from the coast he called home. After a rather stressful plane ride across the entire country, the band had checked into their hotel. It was a very tall, old building overlooking a busy street. Their room, which to Emile's relief was only on the second floor, was rather average in contrast, if just a bit smaller than expected. After putting down all of their belongings, however, he didn't get much time to relax at all before the group was on the move again, eager to explore New York. Places were much closer on foot and they had already visited several stores and some galleries before eating dinner at a loud burger grill.

In between, they had walked through crowded streets full of all kinds of young people. They were all dressed in unique, colorful outfits, as if the night crowds that visited the band's shows had spilled out into the city itself. Vendors called from every corner and store, filling the strange air with a noisy rubato. Emile struggled to keep up with the rest of the group, occasionally getting lost in all the confusion.

Needless to say, they weren't in California anymore. It was exciting in some ways, but in many ways tense. By the time the group got back to their hotel at last, Emile felt tuckered out from all the walking and looking around. He wanted nothing more than to pass out under the warmth of a nice blanket.

The room was dimly lit as he undressed before his suitcase, pulling a blue tee over his head. He then looked around the room, wondering where he was meant to sleep. The others had already taken their own places- Shannon stretched out on the couch as the TV quietly played and Ed and Obie both on a bed. Emile tip-toed past Shannon and towards the latter pair. The two were in an excited conversation, going over everything they saw today, Emile assumed, and Obie held a book in one hand that he looked at on and off again. Neither had even noticed the shorter man standing next to the bed frame until he cleared his throat.

"Um- excuse me, but where am I sleeping tonight?"

They both looked at each other for a silent moment until Ed spoke first.

"There's a second bed right in there," He pointed across the room, and when Emile turned he noticed a door opposite to the closet. It was opened just a crack, revealing only the faint light of a lamp.

"Jo's already in it," Obie added nonchalantly as he looked at his book again, albeit exchanging quick glances with Ed. Before Emile walked away he thought he heard a tiny chuckle but didn't have time to think much of it. As he approached the door he felt himself hesitate, slowing down as he placed his hand upon the wall.

Aside from that single time in the plane earlier that day, Emile had never slept with Jo before, let alone in one bed. He knew he ought to feel less nervous about it, though. There was absolutely nothing strange about two close friends sleeping together, after all. Yet he still went over every other possible option in the back of his mind. He could always sleep next to Shannon or try squeezing in with Ed and Obie. He could even sleep on the floor if he had to, which was something he sadly wasn't a stranger to doing.

But he'd certainly prefer sleeping with Jo over that...

So sure enough, and without really thinking, he was already peering inside the extra room. His eyes scanned the little space as he searched for what to say to her.

"Hey, uh- Jo?" He eventually called out in a small, shy voice.


The busyness of the day had Jo positively worn out, she had felt nothing but relieved when she could finally escape into the stillness of her hotel room. It was strange being so far away from home, but it was a new scene and she couldn't say she wasn't excited. Jo let her weary legs carry her over to her bed, tugging on the chain to the lamp beside her, dimly lighting up the room. She climbed up into the bed, feeling herself sink into the softness of the clean, white sheets. Everything was still for just a moment. Even the sounds of the bustling city seemed to disappear, until her thoughts inevitably began to drift to Doc. Though it was strange for her to say, she was glad that he wasn't there. She of course loved him, but the lack of constant bickering between he and Obie had made things relatively quiet. At least, as quiet as they can be when you're a musician touring in New York.

She tried not to dwell on it, a tinge of guilt creeping up on her for being relieved that her husband was hundreds of miles away. Jo shook her head, reaching into her bag to grab her book from earlier. She needed to distract herself, opening to where she'd left off on the plane. Flipping over onto her stomach and propping herself up on her elbows, she began to read. However, her gaze shifted towards the door when she heard the soft creaking of its hinges. Her lips curled into a warm smile when a familiar, yet shy, voice spoke.

"Hey Em!" She cheerily replied, sitting up so she could make room for him. It had completely slipped her mind that they had to share a room seeing as Doc had requested a replacement last minute. They had agreed upon just letting Emile room with her, though it seemed nobody really informed him. "Sorry, we have to share a bed. If you're uncomfortable with that though, I could sleep on the floor?"


"No, no, I don't mind at all!" Emile answered quickly as he stepped further through the doorway, pulling his hair from his face, "I was just hopin' that, well... you wouldn't mind."

His fingers fiddled together after he spoke, his face vacant as he waited for her response. He didn't know exactly what it was like for Jo. He only assumed she was so used to having her husband in the same bed as her, something Emile probably couldn't compare to. It was important to him that she was comfortable in this new place, too, and if that meant having to sleep somewhere else, then he'd happily do so.

That being said, he couldn't deny the excitement he felt upon seeing her and hearing her cheerful voice call his name. He remembered the unique comfort he felt when they had napped on the plane, the two merely side by side on chairs then. Now he stood before her bed, his brown eyes hopeful. Admittedly, he felt a little tense still after the hectic events of today. He longed for the solace he knew he'd find in her once more.


"Don't worry about it, I don't mind at all." Jo assured him, carefully sliding off of the bed. She began to shuffle around, moving some of her things aside so there'd be room for the two of them. Admittedly, she was a little apprehensive about rooming with Emile. It's not that she hated the idea, however, the only other person she'd ever shared a bed with was Doc, but it couldn't be too terrible, right? After all, she and Emile had napped together earlier on the plane, it couldn"t be all that different.

Her hair had fallen in her face while she absentmindedly shoved her suitcase under the bed. Standing back up, she brushed her short dark locks behind her ear, a soft sigh escaping her lips. Jo turned to face Emile again, flashing him another small grin. She stared silently for a moment as she thought of what to say next. "I'll go find some extra blankets." She blurted out, wandering over to the room's closet that stood alone in the corner.


Patiently standing back so Jo could reorganize the bed, Emile couldn't help but watch her every practical movement. His fond gaze locked on her hair specifically, staring as it fell over her face before she pushed it back again. Although he returned her gentle smile as any friend would, those same old thoughts returned again.

Goodness. She still looks pretty getting ready for bed. Maybe even prettier...

He pushed the thought away as fast as he could, and his smile fell. By the time Jo spoke again, he was back in reality once more. "I'll go lie down," He told her as she walked past. Going the opposite direction himself, he circled around the bed, going under the blanket on the other side. He wasn't as tired as he expected when he sank into the mattress, shifting around, trying to get comfortable. Perhaps it was the silence between them keeping him from relaxing. At last he decided to break it.

"You know, I always thought L.A. was really big and huge," The singer began with his usual offbeat country drawl, staring up at the ceiling, "But that's like a daylight moon to this place."


Rummaging through the closet, she finally found some extra blankets stuffed away. They were stiff, as per usual with any blanket you'd get in a hotel. She ran her hand over the fabric, noticing Emile already getting himself comfortable in bed. She smiled as she placed the blankets on top of the sheets, climbing in next to him. She couldn't deny the awkwardness of the silence, giggling softly to herself when Emile finally spoke.

"You sure are right. It's like a whole different world here, man..." She trailed off, her gaze shifting towards the window. Despite it being extremely late, the city was still bustling with people. "I can't wait for our show tomorrow." Jo grinned to herself as she thought about the excited crowd of people that would be cheering them on. It'd definitely take some time to adjust to the New York scene, but they'd only be here for a week or so.


The extra blankets certainly helped in keeping a little more of the cold air out. Although Emile found himself feeling more comfortable once Jo joined him, too, her subsequent words would eventually return some of his other worries. As if traveling all the way here wasn't a lot already, they'd have their next show the following day. He didn't know what to expect. Already his mind was going over all the possible things that could go wrong, but getting the better of himself, he decided to speak up.

"Yeah, it's just..." he sighed, "I'm just a little bit nervous and all that, Jo. I mean, this New York place- it's a whole different sort of people. They wear different clothes and talk different words. Do you think they'll like us?" Sitting up a little, he turned towards her with his lips parted warily.


"They have to, they'd be real idiots not to dig our sound. Everyone flipped out over the Beatles, I'm sure they can handle us." She spoke with a fake confidence, hoping to make Emile feel at least a little better. She shifted, moving so that she was laying on her side and facing him. He wasn't entirely wrong, the New York folk scene was entirely different from the one back home. But, if they weren't liked they wouldn't be in New York to begin with. Surely they had some sort of fan base waiting for them.

Finally being able to lay down, an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion had settled upon her. She wanted to keep up the conversation, aware of how on edge Emile was, but she wasn't sure if she'd be able to stay awake any longer. "I'm real sorry, man. Is it alright if I head off to bed?"


Emile's gaze wandered and he slowly nodded, trying to believe her. The tension in his mind only eased a little, however. Nevertheless, he was very tired himself and only felt a small twinge of disappointment when Jo didn't want to talk for any longer. "That's okay," He responded, beginning to lie down once more.


Jo rolled back over, turning off the lamp, leaving only the soft glow that of the city lights, which just barely illuminated the shared room. Her eyes slowly fell shut, another soft breath escaping her as the weight of her day seemed to instantaneously disappear. Jo let out a soft murmur before dozing off. "Night, Em."


Slowly joining her, Emile kept his eyes open for a little longer, making out only the vague outline of her face in the dark. Even as his head sank into the pillow and the warm blanket wrapped around him, his body stayed just a tiny bit stiff until Jo's soft voice brought some comfort to his ears. Her voice continued to linger in his mind with the gentle sound of her breathing like a beautiful melody backed by a chorus. Before he even knew it, his eyelids began to grow heavy and they slowly fell, wrapping the world in darkness. As he cozied up in the bed one more time, he'd eventually whisper back, "Night, Sweets," before beginning to fall asleep himself.

Perhaps in the morning, he'll wish he'd gotten more out of their brief moment. But for the time being, as he slowly began to forget about his worries with the drifting of his consciousness, this was all he needed from her.

To Part Three