Emile rambles

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Emile was first created around May of 2023. The other name I had in mind was Louie... Needless to say, I think Emile is better. He was also originally intended to be an electrical engineer before joining Shannon & The Surfers. In any case, though, he was always intended to be the sweet and shy older one of the group.

Another fun fact is that his middle name is Lester. And his face is mostly modeled off of Tony Hicks and Carl Wilson, with a half-straightened Micky Dolenz thrown in for his hair.

"Sweets" was a nickname that Emile gave to Jo really early on in the Surfers (originally as a term for anybody that was kind to him, but eventually became reserved for Jo, and used more frequently). This name was later used for Ruslana (interestingly...), among other nicknames that the two came up with over the years.

A big strength of Emile's (and a reason why the Surfers kept him) was not only his voice but also his ability to remember lyrics. When he joined the group, he already knew by heart several songs that he had heard on the radio. As such, it wasn't too large of an issue for a while that he couldn't read. So long as they went over each song with him a few times, they were good.

And speaking of his voice, I haven't thought of a claim for it yet. But it is notably strong but smooth, with an impressively wide range. Most of this came very naturally to him. Also, although he had a thick country accent when he spoke, this was mostly absent in his singing due to him effectively mimicking many of the famous voices he had heard. That being said, the more folksy music of the Bloodhounds would feature more of Emile's accent coming out. This was mostly a result of the group writing more of their own songs and Emile (consciously or not) providing more natural vocals that weren't directly inspired by any particular singer.

The Playlist

Link ahoy (on Spotify), it is still a WIP technically as I'm always adding more to it but yeah, here's some explanations for fun. The songs in blue text are just my favorites that I think especially fit him.

Textile Factory: Emile backstory, growing up in a shack and never learning how to read

Only A Moment Ago: Emile confused when the Surfers break up

Me And My Life: Emile attempting to defend himself from his parents (particularly with them wanting to sell his instruments)

La Rue Du Sole: Emile having frequent dreams about Jo during the off-period, eventually gathering up the courage to tell her... only for her to announce her marriage with Doc as soon as the band meets up again ("She's looking past me")

Would You Believe: Emile knowing he had his mind all made up to tell Jo, mentioned above

Cama y Mesa: Jo means everything to Emile. He wishes that he meant everything to her

Is There Anything I Can Do + (Come 'Round Here) I'm The One You Need: Emile trying to comfort Jo when she feels hurt by Doc

Talk: Emile spending so much time with Jo but still being unable to say how he feels

With Me Tonight: Emile and Jo (I think, I dont totally remember)

The Countess + Marriage Bureau Rendezvous + I'll Spend My Life With You + Tell Me Why + Oh Darling: All Emile staying with Ruslana and falling in love featuring some hints that he probably trusts her more than he should

There Is A Child + Lady's Baby: First is Emile wanting a better life for his child than what he had. Second is just him happy to be a dad and taking care of Oswin

If I Knew + Salad Days + Do I Still Figure In Your Life: Uh oh Ruslana is not what she seems