Derby Wilcot

Male - Border Collie - 5'9

Derby is part of the more experienced gang of surfers that owns much of the turf in Stingbush. From day one they work to thwart all of Tucker's attempts to surf there, easily beating him in each dust-up. Yet Tucker didn't give up so easily, and they quickly became rivals.

Arguably the most experienced surfer of the group, Derby is tough and strong-willed as much as he is a ball of charisma. He loves watersports and is often showing off his strength to swooning chicks and jealous guys alike. Tucker, however, easily falls into the latter category and since Derby is the brawn of the group, he's usually the one getting physical in their efforts to pick on the poor guy. He still has a heart, however, and it's mostly his loyality to the group that sometimes leads him into doing things he regrets later on.

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