Deirdre Lambert

Female - Long-eared Owl - 21 - 5'3

Deirdre Lambert is a young, gentle owl that's highly skilled in the art of gardening. Due to her vast knowledge of plantlife in her area and their uses, she's also a great healer. She moved to her secluded oceanside valley only a few years ago in search of peace and isolation from the ever-moving world outside. That is to say, despite her talents, she rarely steps outside her santuary.

Although it's easy to tell that she's shy and struggles to interact with others, she also has a dark past that she's adverse to share. It's due to this past that she has a hard time trusting other people, and believes it's better that she isolates herself so that she'll never get hurt again. In a way, gardening is her effective escape from all of it, but there are still times where she feels lonely.

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Although she has grown to view the outside world as generally selfish and dishonest, Deirdre has managed to keep her kindness through it all. She's very gentle and patient, rarely lashes out, and if there's anyone that needs her help, she is sure to provide it free of charge.

That being said, she is still wary of strangers and avoids them as much as she can. She deeply fears being betrayed again if she puts too much trust in someone. In her escape from the past, however, she ends up lonely from time to time. It's a depression that she isn't used to dealing with, and only time will tell if she'll ever confront it. For now, she treats her garden like her child, devoting herself to the health of each and every flower.


Deirdre is a brown-feathered owl with a round gold beak, gold legs, droopy orange eyes, and bright red hair that curls up at her shoulders. She has darker brown eyelids and streaks down her face, dark brown stripes on her chest, and a light brown patch around her beak. She also has bright blue feathers in her long, droopy ears and tail mixed with the darker and lighter brown feathers. She stands at 5'3 and has a short, chubby build.

Her main outfit consists of a simple white dress covered by a black coat with green ruffles and cuffs and white buttons. She also wears a matching short black hat with a green ribbon tied around it.


Early Life

Too young to remember her parents, Deirdre was orphaned from a very early age and taken in by a much older owl who she'd come to view as her mother. She too was a gardener, recently widowed, and had always longed for a child of her own. The elder loved Deirdre like she was her own daughter and raised her in the seclusion of a small cottage in the French countryside. Eventually she taught Deirdre how to tend to the garden and set up flowers to sell.

All in all, her childhood was very bright and innocent. But her life, although happy, was very isolated and she knew nothing else. She soon learned about the outside world little by little, however. At the time, it seemed somewhat scary to her, and yet new and exciting at the same time.

Later Years

Eventually, she was getting things for her mother in the market- one of the few occasions she really got out in her later years, when she met a tough ruddy duck from America named Boyd. She was only 18 at the time and he told her several stories about the city he was from and what it was like. She was fascinated by the things he knew, and before long, she began to fell in love as well. He promised a beautiful, exciting world if she decided to move out of the country with him.

When her mother came to learn about their relationship, however, she didn't approve at all. Boyd himself, and the way Deirdre so blindly trusted him, rang all kinds of alarm bells in her head. It was at this time that she began to grow ill, and due to her age, she had a harder time fighting it. Although Deirdre tried to help the best she could, her mother already seemed to know that it was too late. Just before she passed away, she warned Deirdre one last time to avoid Boyd and gave her a small blue chiffon hibiscus. Yet, Boyd's hold on Deirdre remained stronger. Taking the flower and what little else she could carry, she met him on the first boat to America against her mother's dying wish.

As she'd soon find out for herself, however, her mother was right. Boyd had given her nothing about false promises, and in the city, he was but a low-down criminal. He too kept her isolated, but far from the way her mother had. He kept her away from the things that she enjoyed and showed little of the love he'd given her back in France. He only ever used her on his own terms and snapped at her if she dared speak against it.

After a few months, she finally had enough and ran away from that slum. Once again she took the hibiscus that her mother had given her. After a long and tiring journey from train or bus to sometimes even foot, she eventually found the perfect place for her to live completely alone in the outskirts of a small coastal town named Stingbush. It was between the vast cliffs and redwood forest that she found an old abandoned cabin and fixed it into a place to raise her plants. She filled the meadow with all kinds of flowers and learned to use certain ones to heal scrapes and cuts that she got while working. Between occasional meditation, she takes care of these plants like they're all her own little children. Her new life is very peaceful, but it's for her traumatic past with Boyd that she stays away from other people at all costs.