Clover Hill

Born: November 5th, 1950

Died: Febuary 17th, 1981

Rabbit's Burrow: 1970-74, Fire Magnolia: 1974-1981

Clover Hill (born Crispin Hill) was an English keyboardist and songwriter, best known for his work within the progressive rock group Fire Magnolia. Active through the '70s, he was widely praised for his composing ability, introducing a creative blend of psychedelic and classical influences that contributed to the band's unique sound. He was, however, more famous in that decade for being the heartthrob of the group to many people.

On the surface, it's no surprise that he's an appreciated figure then and now. Indeed, he was also quite well known for his highly charming, sweet demeanor. He had a patience and enthusiasm which made him easy to turn on to for many, and as such had several listeners of the more fangirl variety. Underneath his public persona as cute, small, delicate Clover, however, he had an infamous perverted side.

Following his introduction to Fire Magnolia in 1974, Clover would begin having frequent relations with his fans. Eventually his bandmate, Jesse, would become an object of obsession. After more than a few unwanted advances, the group had attempted to kick him out, but the manager wouldn't have it. After all, Clover was very skilled, easy to work with, and the fans loved him! All the while, the lack of reciprocation would take a visible toll on Clover himself. Extremely addicted to his own image, he would spend copious amounts of money and time trying to fix any imperfection. The attention that he recieved never seemed to be enough as long as Jesse still ignored him. And when he was alone, he frequently broke down in anger, ripping sheets and shattering plates.

This lifestyle gave Clover his fair share of enemies, too. One day in 1977, he became a victim of an attack in the studio from the husband of a woman that he had charmed. When the band arrived, they managed to pull the stronger man away, but the damage had already been done. After a few weeks in the hospital, Clover finally recovered, but to his horror he was left with a giant scar down his face.

For a while, he fell into a deep depression. Then at last he began to re-examine himself. It was around this time that he met a taxi driver named Dublin Brisby. The two of them were friends at first, but over time they became much closer. It was a bond that Clover had never felt before with another person. As opposed to being built on appearances and the exchange of attention, their relationship was built on their earnest love for each other.

That said, it was hard for the band to forget the environment that he had created. When he suddenly died in 1981 due to a rare brain aneurysm, the news received many mixed reactions. To this day, fans remain divided on the subject, but there's no denying that Clover had a large impact on the prog music scene, for better or for worse.