Hello there!
This website is currently a work in progress! There's quite a bit I have yet to transfer from my older website, but feel free to look around!
Welcome! My name is Poodlebird, but you can call me Goldie. I'm an artist (prodominantly digital art), amateur writer, record collector, and bassist. I take a lot of inspiration from rock/pop from the '60s-'80s and older animated films, particularly Don Bluth. I've always been a storyteller at heart, however, and that is why I made this website! My stories are mostly self-indulgent, but maybe you'll like them, too.
Feel free to check out my Deviantart or Instagram if you want to see some of my art, or my Toyhouse if you want to learn more about my characters. I'm always open to DMs, so if you need anything or have a question, feel free to let me know!
Note: On 6/3/24 I changed my username from WildWingspan to Poodlebird. I can't promise that every link is fixed... so just a heads up!
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